Thursday, August 4, 2011

Candy Sushi

While I am a big fan of actual sushi, I think this candy version is just as great.  Years ago, I had some at an event and thought the idea was adorable.  I love desserts disguised as actual food!!

First, I made rice krispie treats using Smart Balance Light.  After they were done, I rolled them out really thin and cut into strips.  I accidentally bought Fruit Roll-ups instead of Fruit By the Foot, so I also cut that into thin strips to make the wrap.  I tried to find a pack with a green apple flavor so the color would look like seaweed, but could only find a variety pack.  I kind of like how the red tye-dye looks anyway!

I went to my favorite section of the grocery store, the bulk candy aisle, and chose a mix of sweedish fish/sea creatures and gummy worms.  There's no real method to making the candy - just have fun and be creative!  I promise they are just as fun to make as they are to eat (almost).

Actual chinese takeout box not required, but we happened to have one in our tupperware drawer!  I am trying to think of what other desserts could be transformed into food items....ideas???

I've made cheeseburger cupcakes, which I may have to do again.  Fruit pizza is on my "to make" list.  Of course there's breakfast hot dogs (banana with pb and jelly in a hot dog bun).  Also, my invention of breakfast nachos using Food Should Taste Good Chocolate chips, topped with diced banana, melted nut butter, and coconut that looked like shredded cheese!

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